Nearby Accommodations
For those who wish to stay close to a loved one during their hospitalization, there are many accommodations in the area. When you call a hotel to reserve a room, ask if a special rate is available for families of Loyola patients.
The Ronald McDonald House Near Loyola University Medical Center is also an option for families of children being treated at Loyola and other Chicago area hospitals. Families are referred to the house by the child's hospital case worker or social worker.
Lodging Name
Phone Number
Miles from Loyola
Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Chicago West-O'Hare Arpt Area |
Hillside |
708-544-2700 |
3 |
Hillside |
708-544-9300 |
4 |
Hillside |
708-544-4409 |
4 |
Oak Brook |
630-571-0000 |
6 |
Oak Brook |
630-571-1200 |
7 |
Oak Brook |
630-573-8555 |
7 |
Oak Brook |
630-368-9900 |
7 |
Oakbrook Terrace |
630-916-1000 |
7 |
Countryside |
708-354-4200 |
8 |
Elmhurst |
630-279-0700 |
8 |
Schiller Park |
847-671-4663 |
9 |
Elmhurst |
630-782-6300 |
9 |
Chicago |
773-693-4444 |
9 |
Oak Brook |
630-573-1234 |
10 |
Oak Brook Terrace |
630-691-1500 |
10 |
Rosemont |
847-696-1234 |
10 |
Elmhurst |
630-941-9444 |
10 |
Lombard |
630-932-4400 |
11 |
Chicago |
708-552-9647 |
12 |
Chicago |
708-594-5500 |
12 |